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Doing A "Social Media Detox" Might Not Sound Relevant To Sales, But I Promise It Is

Feb 06, 2023
Doing A

Doing a "social media detox" might not sound relevant to sales, but I promise it is.

And by "detox", I mean: going an entire month without using ANY non-work related social media.

I started my 4th social media detox on January 21st and after only 5 days in, I found myself:

• Feeling calmer since I don't need to check these apps every 15 minutes
• More present in the moment since I don't constantly crave a "quick fix"
• Being able to think deeper because I'm not so easily distracted
• WANTING to think deeper because I don't need the "quick dopamine hit"

Pay attention to your social media usage.

In a sense, it's a drug.

I know social media can do wonders (look at how GREAT LinkedIn is).

But too much of it will literally destroy you.


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